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Monday, November 19, 2018

Manipur and Nigerian Women’s Movement: A Comparative Study (1929 and 1939)

Title: Manipur and Nigerian Women’s Movement: A Comparative Study (1929 and 1939)
Author: Gurumayum Anulata Devi
Language: English
ISBN: 978-81-939495-1-1

Advanced Statistics in Education and Psychology

Title: Advanced Statistics in Education and Psychology
Author: Dr. Keisham Shitaljit Singh
Language: English
Category: Education, Statistics
ISBN: 978-81-939495-0-4

Baat Bolegi Hum Nahi

Title: Baat Bolegi Hum Nahi
Editor: Anil Pushker
Language: Hindi
ISBN: 978-81-939495-2-8

Monday, November 5, 2018

Saket Ra Naat [Koshalli]

Title: Saket Ra Naat [Koshalli]
Author: Saket Sahu
Language: Koshalli
Year of Publication: 2014

Wahei Wata Wamit ni [Manipuri]

Title: Wahei Wata Wamit ni [Manipuri]
Author: Thoudam Kunjabihari
Language: Manipuri
Category: Poem
Year of Publication: 2012


Title: MERIA
Author: Saket Sahu
Language: Koshali
Year of Publication: 2014

Basic Driving and Maintenance

Title: Basic Driving and Maintenance
Author: Laitonjam Dinakumar Singh
Language: Manipuri & English
Year of Publication: 2013
Price: Rs.595

"Fire of Freedom" from Lullabies: A Collection of 108 Lyrical Poems

  Title:  "Fire of Freedom" from Lullabies: A Collection of 108 Lyrical Poems Author: Toijam Vogendra ISBN:   978-81-942936-5-1 La...